In vitro and in vivo studies in support of compound registration
Agrochemical Fact Sheet
Frontage Laboratories provides extensive support to clients in the agrochemicals (also sometimes called agrichemical) industry for agrochemicals testing.
Our broad service offering includes biological, chemical, and regulatory support in a GLP-compliant facility.
Residue Chemistry
- Field soil dissipation
- Magnitude of the residue
- Crop field trials & storage stability
- Livestock feeding studies (cattle, poultry)
- Analytical methods development
- Independent Laboratory Validations (ILV)
- Plant Metabolism
- Metabolite identification
- Metabolite (cold) synthesis
- Distribution studies
- Reincorporation methodology (14C)
- Greenhouse Facilities
- Animal Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion (ADME)
- Radiolabeled and non-labeled compounds
- Single and multiple-dose studies
- Multiple species (mice, rats, dogs, monkeys, minipigs)
- Oral, dermal, IP, SQ, IV
- Special surgical techniques
- Bile duct/hepatic portal vein
- Metabolite identification/quantitation
- Nature of the residue studies
Environmental Fate
- Degradation (hydrolysis, photodegradation)
- Aerobic and anaerobic metabolism (soil, aquatic)
- Mobility (absorption/desorption, soil column leaching)
- Fish bioaccumulation (metabolite identification)
- Analytical Support
- Confined accumulation (rotational crop)
- Field rotational crop
Frontage Laboratories provides extensive support to clients in the Agrochemicals industry
Our broad service offering includes biological, chemical, and regulatory support in a GLP-compliant facility.
Resources To Consider

In Vitro ADME Services
Frontage Global Drug Discovery Services (GDDS) offers a full spectrum of in vitro ADME ass…

Biology Services
Frontage Global Drug Discovery Services (GDDS) offers a comprehensive compound screening p…

Frontage Laboratories provides extensive support to clients in the Agrochemicals industry….