Participate in a Clinical Study

Participate in a Clinical Study

What is a Clinical Research Study

Clinical research studies are scientific research studies on human volunteers performed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of new drugs before they are submitted to the FDA for approval.

By performing clinical trials with human volunteers, research physicians find new and better ways to prevent and diagnose medical problems.

Why Participate in Clinical Studies

  • You can make a noble contribution for the good of society. By participating in a clinical study, you help to bring new medicines to people who need them the most.
  • You will be compensated for your time and participation.
  • You will receive a free medical exam and clinical laboratory tests.

Who can be a Volunteer

  • Frontage enrolls new participants on an ongoing basis as clinical trials cannot be conducted without volunteers and Frontage values all who are interested in participating in a study.
  • You must able to understand the study and give your consent to participate
  • You will be required to go through a series of basic screening procedures to evaluate if you meet the individual study requirements.
  • You must be able to follow study guidelines and restrictions